خانه بسکتبال ایران، پایگاه تخصصی بسکتبال
این لغتنامه از کتاب “فرهنگ اصطلاحات در بسکتبال” ساخته شده است و متن زیر مقدمه نویسنده کتاب جعفر سایه آفتابی است
بسکتبال از جمله رشته های ورزشی است که قدمت و سابقه چندانی نسبت به دیگر ورزش ها بر خوردار نیست، اما بدلیل جذابیت های خاصی که دارد، علاقه مندان بی شماری را به خود جلب نموده است تا جایی که روز به روز، دایره دوستداران این ورزش شاد و پرنشاط گسترده تر می گردد . امروزه بسکتبال به عنوان یک رشته ورزشی فراگیر، در فرهنگ ملل گوناگون از جایگاه شا خصی برخوردار است. همچنین توجه روزافزون جامعه دانشگاهی به این رشته ورزشی، سبب شده است تا به عنوان ” ورزش دانشگاهی” شناخته شود.
همین استقبال گسترده از بسکتبال، به خصوص در محافل و جوامع دانشگاهی ضروری می نماید تا موضوع آموزش کلاسیک، اصولی و هدفمندان به عنوان یک فن و مهارت خاص مورد توجه و عنایت ویژه قرار گیرد و از آنجا که پایه و اساس آموزش صحیح و روشمند هر فن و مهارتی نیز آشنایی با مفاهیم، اصطلاحات و واژگان خاص آن می باشد و این امر مبنا و بستر مناسبی برای آموزش های بعدی در حوزه مربوط به وجود می آورد، لذا ضروری است تا علاقه مندان این ورزش پرطرفدار به منبعی موثق برای این منظور دسترسی داشته باشند.
در راستای محقق ساختن اهداف فوق، نگارنده با رعایت به خلائی که در این زمینه مشاهده می کرد، بر آن شد تا ترجمه ای مناسب از فرهنگ لغات و اصطلاحات بسکتبال ( نوشته مارین کوزولوسکی) را فراهم نماید و به علاقمندان بسکتبال عرضه نماید. آنچه اکنون با عنوان ” فرهنگ اصطلاحات در بسکتبال ” پیش رو دارید، حاصل چهار سال تلاش مداوم و مستمر است که پیشکش حضور خوانندگان ارجمند می گردد.
بدیهی است کتاب حاضر که نخستن فرهنگ فارسی تخصصی در زمینه ورزش بسکتبال به شمار می رود، دارای نقص ها و کاستی های فراوان است که پیشاپیش از این بابت پوزش طلیبده، از خوانندگان عزیز به ویژه اهل فن و فرهیختگان دانشگاهی تمنا دارد با امعان نظر و دقتی که نسبت به مطالب کتاب مبذول می دارند، نظریات و پیشنهاد های خود را همراه با تذکر نکاتی که لازم می دانند به آدرس الکترونیکی saftabi@yahoo.com ارسال فرمایند تا موارد لازم در چاپ های بعدی مورد توجه قرار گیرد.
در خاتمه به حکم انجام وظیفه بر خود فرض می دانم برای استاد عزیز، زنده یاد حسین پرتو، پیشکسوت بسکتبال کشور و معلم اخلاق که رونق و بالندگی این ورزش در کاشان، مرهون تلاش های ارزنده اوست و بنده نیز سخت وامدار ایشان هستم، یادی نموده برای روح بلند آن مرحوم آرزوی علو درجات می نمایم.
همچنین از تشویق ها و دلگرمی های همسر و خانواده ام و بزرگوارانی که مرا در عزم خود مصمم تر ساختند، به ویژه استاد ارجمند آقای رضا مهندسی و آقای مهران شاهین طبع، صمیمانه سپاسگزاری نمایم.
جعفر سایه آفتابی زمستان ۱۳۸۸
- A-double -1 (sl.)
- A-number-one (sl.)
- A-one (sl.)
- Abandon
- Abdomen
- Abdominal muscle
- Ability
- Ability
- able
- Able to do it all (coll)
- Above
- Abreast of ( or with )
- Absent treatment (sl.)
- Abusive
- Abusive conduct
- Accelerate
- Accept
- Accident
- Accidental
- Accidentally-on-purpose (sl.)
- Acclimate (Am.) = Acclimatize (Eng)
- Accomplish
- Accomplishment
- According to cocker ( also: – to gunter, – to hoyle ) (sl.)
- Account
- Accountable
- Accumulate
- Accuracy
- Accuracy passing
- Accurate
- Accurate shooter
- Accurate shooting range
- Ace (sl.)
- Ace high (sl.)
- Ace in the hole (sl.)
- Achilles tendon (med.)
- Acknowledge the corn (sl.)
- Acquaint
- Acquire
- Across
- Across the court
- Across the key drive (sl.)
- Act
- Act of shooting
- Act up to
- Action
- Actionful (sl.)
- Active hands
- Actual
- Actual
- Actual height
- Actual playing time
- Adapt
- Adaptability
- Adaptation
- add front zone
- Add front zone (coll.)
- Addict
- Additional
- Additional foul
- Adept
- Adequate
- Adequate post
- Adhere
- Adherence
- Adjacent
- Adjust
- Adjustable
- Adjustment
- Adjustment in technique
- Administer
- Advance
- Advance step
- Advance the ball
- Advantage
- Advantage situation (coll.)
- Advantageous
- Advantageous position
- Adversary
- Adverse
- Adversity
- Advertise (sl.)
- Advice
- Advocate
- Aerial (sl.)
- Aerobic drill
- Affray (sl.)
- After fake (coll)
- Against time (coll.)
- Aggies (sl.)
- Aggrava – ted(also: Aggravexed) (sl.)
- Aggre – ssive man-to-man defense
- Aggregation (sl.)
- Aggressive
- Aggressive ball denial
- Aggressive defense
- Aggressive drive-in
- Aggressive fake
- Aggressive offense
- Aggressive on the ball
- Aggressive on the ball (coll)
- Aggressive play
- Aggressive pressure( press, pressing)
- Aggressiveness
- Agile
- Agility
- Agony wagon (sl.)
- Agree
- Agreement
- Ahead
- Ahead of the game (sl.)
- Aid
- Aids
- Aim
- Aim at basket (coll)
- Air bags(also:-pipes;-system) (sl.)
- Air ball
- Air ball
- Air lift drill
- Air pressure
- Airborne (sl.)
- Airborne player (sl.)
- Airway (sl.)
- Alert
- Alert to two-time (sl.)
- Alertness
- Alight
- Align
- Alignment
- Alive
- Alive and Kicking (sl.)
- Alive player
- All court press
- All court speed
- All foam and no beer (sl.)
- All for (sl.)
- All out (sl.)
- All over but the shouting (sl.)
- All over hell (sl.)
- All over the map (also: -hell,-hell,-hell’s half acre) (sl.)
- All over the shop (sl.)
- All purpose offense-3 basic plays (coll.)
- All purpose zone
- All right guy (sl.)
- All rounder (sl.)
- All roundness (sl.)
- All set ( to go ) (sl.)
- All sort of (sl.)
- All star team (coll.)
- All the way under for the hook
- All-American
- All-around (Am.)
- All-around ability
- All-around play
- All-around player
- All-around skill
- Alleviate
- Alley
- Alley- oop pass (sl.)
- Alley-opp(also: Ally-oop; Alley-up) (sl.)
- Allot
- Allot on (also: – upon) (sl.)
- Allotment
- Almighty (sl.)
- Alter
- Alternate
- Alternate foot hopping
- Alternate receiver
- Altitude
- Alumnus (pl. Alumni)
- Am(also: Amat) (sl.)
- Amateur
- Amateur Athletic Union(AAU)
- Amateur status= Amateur standing
- Ambidexter
- Ambidexterity
- Ambish (sl.)
- Ambition
- Ambulance (med.)
- Ambulance service (med.)
- American Basketball League (ALB)
- American game
- American game (coll.)
- Amoeba defense
- Amount
- Amount of arch
- Ample
- Anaerobic drill
- Analyze (Am.)
- Anchor ( man) (sl.)
- Anchors (sl.)
- Anger
- Angle cut
- Angle jump
- Angle out
- Angle shot
- Animated
- Ankle
- Ankle injury (med.)
- Ankle sprain (med.)
- Ankle turn (med.)
- Annie Oakley (sl.)
- Annotate
- Announcer
- Another pair of shoes (sl.)
- Ante-over rebounding (sl.)
- Anticipate
- Anticipation of a call
- Any when (sl.)
- Anybody’s contest (sl.)
- Apex
- Apex of the jump
- Apparatus (sl.)
- Appeal
- Appearance
- Append
- Apples(sl.)
- Applicable
- Apply
- Approach
- Approach step
- Approve
- Approve the final score
- Approximately
- Appurtenances
- Apt
- Arch
- Arch support (eq.)
- Area
- Area defense (sl.)
- Area defensive system (sl.)
- Area of defensive help
- Area of responsibility ( of the referee)
- Arena
- Argue
- Arid (sl.)
- Arky (sl.)
- Arm
- Arm -bar (sl.)
- Arm action
- Arm action
- Arm flaring
- Arm flick
- Arm raising
- Arm-and-hand fake
- Arms out
- Around
- Around pick (sl.)
- Around the head
- Around the horn (sl.)
- Around the waist
- Around-the-world shooting drill
- Arrange
- Array (sl.)
- Arrive in an armchair (sl.)
- Arsenic (sl.)
- As good as they make them (sl.)
- Ask for (sl.)
- Ask for a time-out (coll.)
- Ask for the ball
- Aspirant to the crown (sl.)
- Aspire
- Aspiring player
- Assault (sl.)
- Assemblage (sl.)
- Assert
- Assess
- Assigned lane spot
- Assignment
- Assist
- Assist pass
- Assistant coach
- Assists (Ast)
- Assume
- Assumption
- Assurance
- Astray
- At tops (sl.)
- Athlete
- Athlete’s foot (med.)
- Athletic physician(also: – surgeon) (med.)
- Athletics
- Atom (sl.)
- Atomic (sl.)
- Attach
- Attack defense (coll.)
- Attack philosophy
- Attack step
- Attack the goal.
- Attacker
- Attain
- Attempt
- Attendant
- Attention
- Attentive
- Attentiveness to details
- Attitude
- Attribute
- Audible signal
- Authority
- Auxiliary
- Available
- Avenue
- Average
- Avoid
- Avoid injury (med.)
- Award
- Award the ball
- Award the ball
- Award the ball out-of-bounds
- Award the ball out-of-bounds
- Aware
- Away
- Away forward
- Away from the ball
- Away from the ball
- Away game (coll.)
- Away position
- Away-from-home court
- Awkward
- Awkward position
- Awkward squad (sl.)
- Axe (sl.)
- Baby hook
- Baby jumpers
- Baby the ball
- Baby the ball
- Back
- Back block
- Back block and roll
- Back cut
- Back guard
- Back leg
- Back line
- Back line defensive man
- Back man
- Back of beyond
- Back off
- Back out
- Back people
- Back pick
- Back pick double screen
- Back pivot
- Back pivot into the block out
- Back rim
- Back screen
- Back to the floor
- Back up
- Back-flip-pass
- Back-in movement
- Back-seat driver
- Back-to-back
- Back-to-the hoop
- Back-to-the-basket hook
- Back-to-the-basket pivot
- Back-to-the-basket shot
- Back-up a step
- Back-up center
- Back-up dribble
- Back-up the play
- Back-up-shots
- Backache
- Backboard
- Backboard markings
- Backboard support
- Backbone
- Backcourt (Am.) =Back court(Eng.)
- Backcourt man
- Backcourt play
- Backcourt position
- Backcourt violation
- Backdoor
- Backdoor cut
- Backdoor pass
- Backdoor play
- Backdown
- Backer
- Background
- Backhand pass
- Backing
- Backnumber
- Backpedalling
- Backside screen
- Backspin
- Backstroke
- Backup
- Backward
- Backward dribble
- Backward line drill
- Backward spin
- Backward tap
- Backwards
- Bacon
- Bad
- Bad angle shot
- Bad angle shot
- Bad as they make’em
- Bad business
- Bad job
- Bad lookout
- Bad luck
- Bad pass
- Bad passing game
- Bad shot
- Bag
- Balance
- Balance beam
- Balance drill
- Balance position
- Balanced attack
- Balanced attack(also: offense)
- Balanced floor
- Balanced offense
- Balanced spacing
- Balanced teams
- Balancing stance
- Balancing to the ball
- Balancing to the ball
- Ball
- Ball area
- Ball area
- Ball carrier
- Ball chaser
- Ball comes to the screen
- Ball control
- Ball control game
- Ball fake
- Ball game
- Ball handler
- Ball handling
- Ball handling ability
- Ball handling and passing wizard
- Ball handling drills
- Ball hawk
- Ball hog
- Ball in play
- Ball out-of-bounds
- Ball player
- Ball pursuit
- Ball rack
- Ball reversal
- Ball screen
- Ball side
- Ball side cut
- Ball the Jack
- Ball the jack
- Ball trajectory
- Ball turnover
- Ball- banding ability
- Ball-and-foot fake
- Ball-basket-man triangle
- Ball-control type of team
- Ball-me-you
- Ball-stealing situation
- Ball-wanter
- Balloon
- Balloon
- Balloon score
- Balls
- Balls and bat
- Baloney(also : Boloney , Bologny )
- Bambino
- Banana cut
- Banana offense
- Banana route
- Banana head
- Band
- Bandage
- Bang
- Bang up to the mark
- Bang-out(also: – up)
- Banger
- Bangers
- Banish
- Bank ball off the backboard into hoop
- Bank shot
- Bankboard
- Banker
- Bankroller
- Banty
- Bar
- Bark
- Barking dogs
- Barrier
- Base
- Base of the triangle
- Baseball outlet pass
- Baseball pass( right or left handed)
- Baseline cutting
- Baseline drive
- Baseline inbounds play
- Baseline jump shot
- Baseline man
- Baseline shot
- Baseline=Base line (Eng.)
- Baseman
- Basement
- Basement fest
- Basement fest
- Basement game
- Basement game
- Basement gang
- Basic
- Basic fundamentals
- Basic pattern
- Basic play pattern
- Basic six shots
- Basic skills
- Basic stance
- Basic starting positions
- Basin
- Basket
- Basket tussle
- Basketball
- Basketball
- Basketballer
- Basketeer
- Bat the ball out of hands of the opponent
- Behind-the back dribble
- Behind-the back pass
- Big man’s game
- Blimp
- Blow the ball dead
- Body Balance
- Box zone
- Bucket
- Bust in view
- Bust out
- Bust out dribble
- Bust up
- Butt
- Butt down
- Butt low
- Butt-to-butt
- Buttercup
- Butterfingers
- Button
- Button-hook
- Buttonhook
- Buy over
- Buzzer
- Buzzer beater
- Buzzer-beating shot
- By a close shave
- By a fluke
- By trial and error
- Cage
- Cage go
- Calling for a ball
- Cantaloupe
- Casaba
- Casaba game
- Catching the ball
- Chase the ball
- Chest area (sl.)
- Chin the ball
- City game
- Clear the ball
- Clearing the ball
- Closing-out of the ball
- Collegiate ball
- Combination attack (also: offense)
- Comeback (Am.)= Come back (Eng.)
- Comeback move
- Coming to meet ball
- Command of the ball
- Congested area
- Controlling the ball
- Counter attack
- Court fray
- Criss-cross attack
- Crowded area
- Curve ball
- Curving the ball
- Cut back
- Feed the ball
- Feeling the ball
- Figure 8 attack
- Fill any vacated spot in the zone
- Flick the ball
- Flight of ball
- Floor off balance
- Flow of the zone
- Fly ball
- Foul line area
- Free ball
- Free lance zone offence , the wheel
- Free throw alignment
- Freeze the ball
- Freezing the ball
- Front – line zone, back – line man – to – man
- Front line of a zone
- Frontal attack
- Full court zone trap
- Funnel zone defense
- Half court zone
- Hamper
- Harass the ball
- Hardwood game
- Have man behind the zone
- Have nose for ball
- Have plenty on the ball
- Held ball
- Held ball jump
- Hide the ball
- Hide the ball
- High percentage area (coll.)
- High pinot (center, post) area (position)
- Hit the ball
- Hold the ball
- Hole
- Hoop bombardment
- Hoop fest
- Hoop go
- Hoop meet
- Hoop tilt
- Hoops
- Hopper
- Hunt the ball
- I got the ball
- Improperly inflated ball
- In bounding the ball
- In- close area
- In-bounds area
- Individual control of the ball
- Individual defensive abilities
- Individual offensive abilities
- Individually freezing the ball
- Inflated ball
- Inside attack
- Inside-outside ball movement
- Intercepting angle
- Interchange ability
- Interference with the ball
- Intermediate area
- Iron
- Maintain possession of the ball
- Man – to – man zone
- Man with ball
- Man without ball
- Man-to-man attack
- Maplewood
- Mass alignment
- Match – up defense , zone origin
- Match – up zone
- Medicine ball
- Meet the ball
- Men off the ball
- Mid-post attack
- Middle of the floor area (coll.)
- Move to the ball
- Movement without the ball
- Muff-ball situation
- Multiple zone defense
- Multiple zone offenses
- Obtain possession of the ball
- Odd- front zone defense
- Off balance
- Off balance shot
- Off ball screen
- Off the ball
- Off the ball contact
- Off the ball coverage
- Off the ball defense
- Offense against zone defense
- Offensive alignment
- Offensive balance
- Offensive jump ball
- Offer help on the ball
- On ball coverage
- On ball screen
- On the ball
- On the ball defense
- One – man zone defense
- One – three – one zone offense
- One – two – one – one half – court zone press
- One – two – two zone defense
- One-on-one back to basket
- Open area
- Open to the ball.
- Open up toward the ball
- Opponent with ball
- Opponent without ball
- Opposite ball position
- Orange-colored ball
- Orb
- Original ball position
- Out-of-balance
- Out-of-bounds area
- Outside area
- Oval
- Over the ball position
- Overload zone defense
- Pass back
- Passing attack
- Path of the ball
- Paw up at the ball
- Pellet
- Penetrate a zone
- Penetrating area
- Penetrating attack
- Perceptible stopping of the ball
- Periphery of the action
- Pick up a ball
- Pick up a loose ball
- Pick-up the ball
- Pick-up the ball handler
- Pill
- Pivot area
- Planned attack
- Player off the ball
- Player on the ball
- Player-to-player pressure on the ball
- Point of attack
- Point of the ball
- Point the ball
- Point zone
- Poor balance
- Poor shooting area
- Positive control of the ball
- Possession of the ball
- Post area
- Pot
- Pressure attack
- Pressure on the ball
- Pressure the ball
- Primary ball handler
- Professional ball
- Prompt action
- Pull back
- Pumpkin
- Punitive action
- Punkin
- Push the ball
- Push the ball through the neting
- Pushing action
- Put the ball back up
- Put the ball down
- Put the ball into play
- Put the ball on the floor
- Put the ball through the hoop
- Put the ball to the floor
- Put the ball up
- Save the ball
- Schoolyard ball
- Scoring area
- Screen away from the ball
- Screen comes to the ball
- Screen to the ball
- Screening attack
- Sense of balance
- Sense-of-ball
- Set attack
- Shadow shoot without a ball
- Shagging ball
- Share the ball
- Shooting ability
- Sight the ball
- Sliding action
- Slippery ball
- Smother the ball
- Snap back
- Snap back pass
- Snatch the ball
- Sphere
- Spheroid
- Split the ball and the man
- Spread out alignment
- Stabbing the ball
- Stationary screen away from the ball
- Stationary screen on the ball
- Steal the ball
- Step ball side
- Step toward ball, stop , change direction and take pass over
- Striking the ball with the fists
- Strive for a ball
- Strong with the ball
- Sweeping action
- Swing the ball
- Switch back
- Synthetic ball
- Take action
- Tandem alignment (coll)
- Tap the ball
- Teaching ability
- Team alignment
- Team defensive abilities
- Team offensive abilities
- Three-lane attack
- Throw the ball up
- Tie the ball
- Tight area (sl.)
- Tip the ball away
- Tip the ball in
- Toss back
- Toss the ball
- Touch the ball
- Toward the ball
- Transfer the ball
- Trapping angles
- Trapping the ball
- Trash
- Trigger an action (coll.)
- Tuck the ball
- Turn the ball over
- Twisting off-balance position
- Two ball dribble drill
- z- drill
- zam
- zebra
- zig – zag fashion dribble
- zig – zag relay
- zig – zag run
- zip
- zip ( into a pass )
- zip a pass
- zip along
- zipper
- zizzy
- zone
- zone – and – one
- zone attack
- Zone attack
- zone defense
- zone offense
- zone press
- zone press attack
- Zone press attack
- zone pressure defense
- zone pressure offense
- zone principle
- zone structure
- zone the goal